Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Wish

So badly for the outdoors right now.

I want the smells, the sounds, and the wind.

I want a campfire and that eerie sense of security that it provides.

Instead I have a candle and I'm staring at it and typing on a monitor whose glow exceeds that of the candle, but can never compare.

Why can't I escape this feeling that I am missing so much? That I'm operating on such a superficial level. Furthermore, what can I do to get to that other level? To attain a sense of tranquility in my existence. I am so restless in my own skin sometimes.

Reading this I bet this entry could sound sad. It is not though.

I hope I don't seem the same way. Because I am not.

Just unsure is all.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm In Your Bed


I had a really good day though. Great discussions with my teacher on progressive education. An amazing ASL class....and a quiz that I actually did well on. Deep connection with this guy prostletizing on the street. A soulful chat with a strange man on the train for 15 minutes. His daughter had just won the fourth grade spelling bee. His fingernails (like his nail-beds..his fingernails were normal length I suppose) were huge and I kept wishing I could shake his hand, then right as he got up, he shook my hand and wished me luck. Awesome.

I don't feel like writing anything deep and thought provoking. I just wanted to remember this good day.

I'm home alone right now. Its this way a lot...I wish it was different.

I can't help it, I feel slightly heartbroken lately.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sit, Stay, Good

I love this darn dog...and this friggin' mix cd!

Tomorrow is thursday. I am eating redvines. I need to post in this more.
^Obvious things I feel like stating^