Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Thoughts

Everyone is either far too apathetic, or way too righteous and it has been bothering me.

When are we going to realize how blind we have been?

We think our motives are just, right, true, pure. That we are the ones motivating our thoughts. No matter how much you educate yourself, how much you revolt, protest, go against...you are still part of this.

All of this. Of this country, of this planet, of this government, of this society, of this hegemony. Don't take life as a battle, take it as a process. I know to little, but I am proud that I understand that much.

I still have to think about this more and form my thoughts.

In the mean time, here here

Thursday, November 20, 2008


This is what my email inbox read...is this what people really want? (I read two of them, take your guess which ones)

Is this supposed to be someones torso... or leg?

Last time I checked, acai berries aren't supposed to look like bloody-stool

I don't even know...

I think I might start writing and posting photos in here again. Check back if you'd like!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

::Telephone ringing::

Me: Hello?

You: Hey.

Me: Hi, what are you doing?

You: Hey, I'll call you in a bit.

Me: What...that's kind of weird, you called me to tell me you're going to call me?


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Not A Real Problem

I don't think I want to be a photographer anymore (I'm not sure I ever was)...I like taking the photos I want to take, seeing the world I want to see it. I don't want to understand or follow the conventions of what is good, right, or aesthetic. I might be a teacher some day. That or travel the world or something.

As for now, I think I'm changing my major to art and design, or graphic design...I need to do something.

In the mean time, lots of painting, drawing, and bike riding.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

To You And A Few

It's a lonely summer night, too cold and buggy for roaming. I feel pathetic returning to my computer, but if you're reading this, you know the compulsion that glowing monitor holds.

I think I'm at one of those turning points again in my life, one of those times where I think I have it all figured out and I'm really happy. I'm hoping that it'll stay this way...the difference this time? I'm not counting on it, just trying to enjoy it. I've isolated myself though, a lot, too much in fact. I've been cutting myself off and I just feel like there is this nearly indescribable padding between me and the rest of the world. Wearing rubber gloves and dipping my hands underwater, its cold and my hands feel wet but as I pull them above the surface and peal back the latex, my hands are covered in white powder, dry and untouched.

I'm not unhappy, nor do I predict any enviable tragedy in my future, but I'm trying to fight the feeling that has clouded my vision in the past. That sense of invincibility, or the idea that happiness will never fall from my grasps. Maybe I'm a little vulnerable, but right now I'm just feeling too careless and maybe even too ignorant to notice.

Simple enough, I'm just living life and being happy, eating what I eat, doing what I do, wrestling my cat, cuddling in the sheets, sleeping on the train, talking to strangers, making up lies just to see if anyone will believe it...just being me. I could talk about the day I had at the beach, the strangely-patterned sunburn I recently incurred as a result of poor sunscreen application, or the strange man that hit on me at this college graduation party that had perhaps one of the most delicious cakes I have ever tasted in all my life...but I don't feel like writing much more and mentioning them briefly has done justice for their occurrence at this point.

This online blog, journal, whatever you want to call it is so overrated, but here I am writing in it. I'm glad I have you though blog, even if I don't understand why.


Monday, April 14, 2008

What Is Going On

Naperville is instating citations and fines for people who don't have proper upkeep of their yard....for example, tree-houses are not allowed (beyond a certain height), garbage cannot even be left out past certain hours.

I cannot stand most people anymore.

Doesn't anyone realize there are bigger issues at hand?

Who the hell cares?!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008

Catch Up

It is March now, that kind of snuck up on me, and time has slipped away...here are a few shots from the past month or so working back down to January...sorry I haven't been posting much, but I've been out living life and exploring and it has been beautiful

February 28 - A Night With Dan And Jon

The view from Dan's fire escape...difficult to shoot such a long exposure with shaky shaky hands


Father and son?

The only hick I've ever been attracted to

This should probably never happen again

February 13 - Hanging Out In The Bathroom

February 7 - Packing Peanuts


February 6 - A Day With Dan And A Night WIth Daniel And Kelsey

Danny Boy

Rain rain go away

Daniel Hahn

January 26 - Sam And Cait's For Sam's Birthday

Crazy DePaul girls

A lonely boy I do no know who was nice and still

Chase looking out the window aka wishbone doggy

January 25 - Art Institute

January 21 - Hanging Out In My Bathroom With Kelsey

January 18 - Gabe's Show At Subterranean