Friday, July 20, 2007

Chores - Saturday and Sunday

Driving with Siera and Kenny in Cc's mini...I want this car.

Getting some air and orange soda

Found these in the back of car

LSD and beach goers

Drive-by shooting

This is what happens when you yell, "Hey," when Ken and Shawny are walking in front of you

Squinty Shawny

Squinty Ken Ken

Max should be at a gas station in the 1950s

Sonja is a lovely lady

Dan can be shy

Dev is most shy though

Wrigley...Shawn looks five

Sonja and Dan are from outta town and were excited to see the field

Kenny likes me

Source of desire

Back way to the boy's place

He's shy

Phone calls and white walls


Vines and lines

John Lag came to visit

Shawn and I

Shawn has weird feet

Those chips were good!

We emptied out the bathroom trash can into this trashcan and we found Evan


What is can't it?

The hair

Ron Weasly...seriously

I like Sonja

No really..I do like them...I don't know why I'm making that face

Tom Hanks smokes hookah

They decided porn would be fun to watch

Good friends always watch porn together....?

Truly disgusting

Shawn doing his thing, in his underwear

Max and I found a fire when we walked into the kitchen, it melted the bag

The cardboard that was starting to catch on fire...good thing we found that I guess



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