Monday, June 4, 2007

A Life Of Consumption

You: i'm not spoiled at all haha

Me: yes you are
we all are
look at the computers we have, the home, the cars
you have more than one car in your driveway
and two refrigerators full of food

You: yea
we live in teh us, i know we have it better then others, you don't need to lecture me on that

Me: but dont you hate it, dont you feel like something is really wrong with that

You: there is something wrong with that, but there is not too much we can do about it unfortuanetly. I want to help when i am able to but we can't change this world we live in

Me: I think we can, I want to try. I know it's going to be hard but I need to give up the things I think I need and really reassess my life.

You: what do you mean?

Me: The clothes and electronics I have, all the things I think I need, I dont

You: well yea

Me :I should be in africa or asia studying the people there and learning how to fix things
I feel like I'm wasting my life here, consuming
I'm just so sick of being so selfish
I'm so frustrated with who I am
but I'm also scared to change because its all I've know

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